Monday, November 17, 2014

Art Update

Art Update, November 9, 2014
Phyllis Levun-Agostino
Since my last writing, the classes have done a variety of art projects that are related to the holidays, to Jewish artists, and  to the content of their studies in their grade level class.   I hope you have seen their artwork  in Shir Hadash or at home, and have had a chance to talk about these creations and even use those that are meant for special purposes.  I will present what we have done in chronological order.
The 5th and 6th grades made beautiful Sukkot Ushpizim Table Setting Panels that hung in the Shir Hadash Sukkah.  The 5th grade did a table setting with plates for the Jewish ancestral leaders and the 6th grade did chairs for contemporary Jewish figures of importance.  These large scale group panels were a welcome addition to the Sukkah and taught students about the tradition of inviting Ushpizim (guests) during Sukkot.
Third grade did a Jacob’s Ladder style book for Sukkot with images of the traditional etrog and lulav. They also included a quote from Rabbi Hillel:  “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?  If I am not for others, what am I?  And if not now, when?”   They also did a book for the story of Adam and Eve, thinking about the ideas of responsibility and choice.
Seventh grade did beautiful Shabbat cloth bread covers.  I hope you are using them joyfully.  Today (11/9) we talked about the tradition of saying 100 Blessings Each Day.  Each student then created a pie shaped panel illustrating what they are grateful for, after we had a group discussion and brainstormed categories, examples for thankfulness, and the concepts of blessings and kavanah. (intention and awareness)  These ¼ circles are designed to be arranged in an interesting pattern and will be displayed in the hall.  Please look for these next week.
Grades K-1 did a book with the Story of Creation and also a decorated blank book for keeping in class to use for learning Hebrew words.
Grade 2 also did a decorated blank book for class to use for their new Hebrew words.
Fourth grade learned about the famous Israeli artist Moshe Castel and created a work in his style.  He was famous for large stone like panels, using ground basalt for texture and often using Hebrew letters and mythical writing.  His works often looks like large ancient stone walls with abstract and mysterious writings.  The students used various materials, such as sand and paint and masking tape, to create this textured and ancient looking art.
Fifth grade was studying the 10 Commandments and made a Stained “Glass” ( tissue paper) rendition of the 10 Commandments Tablet.
Sixth grade was studying the Jewish Calendar so we made a large group calendar consisting of 16” circles for each month of the Jewish calendar.  Using a special book to find our original birthdays and their equivalent Jewish Calendar days, we added these dates to the calendar.  Each student also found the Jewish holidays in their Jewish calendar month and included the standard calendar equivalent day.  These calendars will be in their room and can be used and updated throughout the year.  If you would like to know your Jewish Calendar birthday based on your original day of birth, please let me know.  

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