Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday School Bulletin All-School Seder Success

Great success. Last Sunday the Shir Hadash Religious school held our first All-School Passover Seder. Students from Kindergarten through Seventh grade, and all of our teenagers, participated in a seder led by Rabbi Eitan and his son, Ayal. They were beautifully accompanied by song leaders Ethan Zwick and Josh Wallk.

Students were brought into the center circle at 10:40 a.m., where they were seated around tables set complete with flowers and seder plates. An orange, representing woman's equality (among other things) was placed on each table.  Rabbi Eitan used his MacBook to project the seder onto the wall, so the students could follow along without individual haggadot.  Technology is always evolving at Shir Hadash Religious School.

Rabbi Eitan led us through Kadesh (white grape juice) , Urehatz (we even had washing stations set up!), Karpas (parsley-dipping in salt water), and Yahatz (thank you Adam Weiss for sweeping up the extra matzah crumbs). The Torah Teen Players retold the passover story with creativity and good humor. Our students are particularly focused when the teens lead a play. After the story, more handwashing, and the on to the matzoh, maror, koreh (the sandwich), and then we ate the eggs. Although, as typically may happen in your family, we never quite got to the end of the seder, the children participated in what was declared by many people of all ages, one of the most educationally satisfying days ever at Sunday school.

Thank you to all of the people who helped by sending in seder plates, charoset, hardboiled eggs, matzah, oranges, horseradish, grape juice, and parsley. These people included ; the Kalinas, the Schleichers, the Mostows, the Levitts, the Bernsteins, the Liebermans, the Michaels, the Blumsteins, the Soglins, the Edlers, the Horwitz/Litmans, the Shwartzs, the Zwicks, and the Zinbargs, among others.
The day was especially beautiful because of you and your help.