Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Education Bulletin 10.3.12

Shalom Shir Hasdashniks.  Please enjoy these pictures from the first two days of school.
Remember, there is no school this coming Sunday, but please join us on Friday night for Sukkot and Sunday evening for Simchat Torah (see below for times).

Beautiful Rose making Hebrew letters with shaving cream. 

Seventh graders taking a break.

Carole, Asher, and Teddy

Three peas in a pod.

Dylan helping in the 5th Grade.

Gemma and her pretty bow.

Hannah always has a smile...

Dara having a great time.

Ethan and Josh have everything under control.

Friday, October 5th-- Sukkot service--7:30 p.m. -9:00 p.m., Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit, 30 Riverwoods Road, Lincolnshire. Sukkot art project for all ages. Help us welcome the mystical spirits of biblical leaders Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and others into our sukkah. The education committee highly recommends you join us for this great service, always a favorite of the children.

Sunday, October 7th-- Pizza dinner, Simchat Torah and Consecration (honoring our new students) service.  5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. (services begin around 6:00 p.m.), Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit, 30 Riverwoods Road, Lincolnshire
Rabbi Eitan at his very best. The education committee highly recommends you join us for this great service, always a favorite of the children. Taffy apples included in the fun.

For more information, please take a look at our website

Service Attendance

Worship Service Recommendations for Religious School Students
Rabbi Eitan, Shir Hadash teachers, and I want our students to be familiar with and comfortable in our Shabbat and holiday worship services. We recommend that students and their families should attend at least two worship services during the school year.  At least one of these services should be a Shabbat service, and the other can be a holiday service such as Sukkot (Friday, October 5), Simchat Torah (Sunday, October 7), Lights & Miracles on Hanukkah, Purim, and Pausing in the Wilderness.We have some great opportuities for the children to participate in (and enjoy) services. We are offering several Shabbat services that will be geared specifically to—and led by—our students. Our teachers and Rabbi Eitan will prepare the students to lead portions of the service.

· Friday, November 16: Shabbat services will be led by grades 4 through 7
· Friday, March 1, 2013: Shabbat services will be led by grades K through 3
· Friday, May 17, 2013: Shabbat services will be led by our Havayah

Make sure to put these dates in your calendar, these services give our  students a chance for them to show "their stuff".

Service Requirements for Bar and Bat Mitzvah Students
As part of the study and preparation required for a positive and successful for bar/bat mitzvah experience, students should attend at least six Jewish worship services in the year prior to the bar/bat mitzvah service.  Four of the services should be at Shir Hadash and two of those must be Shir Hadash bar/bat mitzvah services.  The two remaining services can be at other synagogues.