Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday School Bulletin 11.3.13

God sent out all the hearts so people could love each other. -Sylvia, Gan Yeladim 
Food for Thought from Sylvia (courtesy of  the Gan Yeladim)
Gan Yeladim Students Discussing and Writing about Jacob and Esau

7th Grade Girls Displaying their New Tzedakah Boxes
7th Grade Boys Relaxing after a Stressful Art Class

Youth Director/Fifth Grade Teacher Carole Mostow with her son Danny

4th Grade Hebrew Lab Students in Living Room (Multi-Purpose Room) 
Hebrew Fun in the Living Room with Limor

4th Grade Girls Sharing Smiles
Soulful Study of Chagall

Brandon Deep in Focus

Bonding Opportunity

Many of our members with older children will tell you that some of their happiest, most meaningful  moments were spent at Shabbat services with their children. Let's work on making those memories for our younger children...

Friday, November 15th will be a special Shabbat service led by the Gan Yeladim, First, Second, and Third graders (Rabbi Eitan too!). This service is quite fun and a chance for the children to get used to standing on the bima and leading the prayers they are working on in Sunday school.  We also get to bless our children and sing some songs together. Please let me know if you are interested in hosting a pre-service pizza dinner in our beautiful kitchen, it's really fun and a great way to start a family tradition. This is a great opportunity for bonding with other Shir Hadash families--don't miss out.

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And, the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference. Because of indifference one dies before one actually dies.   Elie Weisel 


Much to our Sunday school administrator Gloria Kaplan's chagrin, we have noticed a grand decline in our tzedakah collections. Please discuss with your child the value of giving tzedakah.  Tzedakah is collected every Sunday, and at the end of the school year the students will decide as a group where to donate their tzedakah money. Let's support our children in their efforts to give tzedakah, it's a mitzvah!
*Update-- thank you for reminding your children to bring tzedakah to Sunday school. Gloria reports numbers are on the rise. Let's keep up the good work!

Monday, Nov. 4--Havayah
Friday, Nov.  15--Shabbat Services led by Gan-3
Monday, Nov. 18--Havayah
Friday, Nov. 22--Lights and Miracles at OLB
Sunday, Nov. 24—Hannukah at Sunday School
Sunday, Dec. 1--NO SCHOOL
Monday, Dec. 2--Havayah
Sunday, Dec. 22--NO SCHOOL
Sunday, Dec. 29--NO SCHOOL
Friday, Jan. 17--Shabbat Services led by 7th Grade
Friday, Feb.   7-- Shabbat Services led by 4-6th Grades
Sunday, Feb. 16--NO SCHOOL (Kallah for 6th-12th Grades)
Sunday, Mar. 16—Purim
Sunday, Mar. 23--NO SCHOOL
Sunday, Mar. 30--NO SCHOOL
Sunday, May 11--NO SCHOOL
Sunday, May 18-- Last day of school

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunday School Bulletin 10.27.13

Well-known writer,  Callie, shared her beautiful poem as well as a poem she wrote and memorized at school.  If you see her make sure to ask her to recite either one of them-- she's really good.

Two of the THREE Ryans (Third Grade Version)
The Two Ryans (Fourth Grade Version) 

Fabulous Fifth Graders During Community Time

Fifth Grade Teacher/Youth Director Carole Mostow  leads a Hebrew break-out group.

Just look at those faces...

Gan Yeladim students looking unhappy? That's because they didn't realize Mr. D. was BEHIND them on the bima,  waiting to start music.  Once he asked them to turn around, they went crazy singing and dancing with Mr. D. and Rebecca! It was adorable.

Hebrew homework check! Please make sure to look read any notes-home from your child's teacher. Take a look in their bag, at that random sheet of paper on the front table, or what's left in the back seat of your car--it could be Hebrew homework.  While we don't want our students to become "stressed out" about Sunday school homework, we advise a level of consistency with their studies. If you have questions please email one of our very pleasant-to-talk-to Sunday school teachers.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill 

Tzedakah-- Much to our Sunday school administrator Gloria Kaplan's chagrin, we have noticed a grand decline in our tzedakah collections. Please discuss with your child the value of giving tzedakah.  Tzedakah is collected every Sunday, and at the end of the school year the students will decide as a group where to donate their tzedakah money. Let's support our children in their efforts to give tzedakah, it's a mitzvah!

Nov. 4--Havayah
Nov. 15--Shabbat Services led by Gan-3
Nov. 18--Havayah
Nov. 22--Lights and Miracles at SH
Nov. 24—Hannukah at Sunday School
Dec. 2--Havayah
Dec. 22--NO SCHOOL
Dec. 29--NO SCHOOL
Jan 17--Shabbat Services led by 7th Grade
Feb.7-- Shabbat Services led by 4-6th Grades
Feb.16--NO SCHOOL (Kallah for 6th-12th Grades)
Mar. 15—Purim
Mar. 23--NO SCHOOL
Mar. 30--NO SCHOOL
May 18-- Last day of school

Thank you,
Education Director Emily Ascher

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

School Bulletin 10.20.13

Happiness is... sisters sitting together in services.

Serious business in the third grade.

Second grade Hebrew-- they look so happy studying in the living room!

As you can see, teachers and students are beginning to settle into the new year at Shir Hadash.  Under the leadership of Hebrew Specialist Limor Wasserman, the initial Hebrew assessments are complete and students have been placed in their Hebrew groups. Remember, the more the children practice at home, the easier bar/t miztvah preparations will be in sixth and seventh grade. The older children will have about ten minutes of homework a week, but that doesn't mean they can't do more!  There are many websites and Hebrew apps,  the one we recommend is the Behrman House Publishers site,  If you have concerns about homework, please feel free to email the teachers, you should all have received a class letter at this point.

Please remember to join us for services in the morning, the 3rd-7th grades meet in the sanctuary at 9:15 a.m. sharp, with the little ones following at approximately 9:45 a.m.  The education committee and I ask that, for the safety of our students, parents and members refrain from entering any areas other than the coffee bar and center circle.  If you need to pick up your child early, please sign in with Gloria the table by the offices.  Thank you for your cooperation.

See you Sunday,
Emily Ascher
Education Director